Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Spaghetti Auction

In the time honored tradition of Florida Grande, dinner was served promptly the moment it was ready. Spaghetti noodles, rich red sauce, a troupe or two of shrimp and plenty of bread to clean up with. And what about those saucy servers ladling out the calories with gay abandon? Mamma Mia and other assorted Italian exclamations!
As the feeding frenzy subsided, attention slowly turned to the silent auction, ably MC'd by Bob Link. With fifty plus drawings to cover things moved along at a fair clip as the objets d'art - socket sets and all - were eagerly seized by the winners. The evening raised more than $800.00 for future events. For more auction ambiance, click here.


  1. Thanks for taking all the pictures and providing updates to you blog.

  2. Love it!!! Thank you for letting us enjoy again the fun activities at Florida Grande. Kay and Marlin Pihl
